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M Seymour

12 May 2024 – Lord’s Day – Afternoon

M Seymour

Hymns : 913 – 874 – 554

Tunes : 663 – 510 – 196

Readings : Exodus 32 (v19-) & 33

Text : Exodus 33 v 19

“And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.”


12 May 2024 – Lord’s Day – Morning

M Seymour

Hymns : 362 – 174 – 276

Tunes : 567 – 314 – 736

Readings : 2 Kings 6 (v1-7) & 7

Text : 2 Kings 6 v 5 & 6

“5) But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.
6) And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.”


25 June 2023 – Lord’s Day – Afternoon

M Seymour

Hymns : 996 – 753 – 1156

Tunes : 387 – 687 – 214

Readings : Zechariah 3, Revelation 7

Text : Revelation 7 v 13 & 14

13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”